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Kritisera ständigt media.

fredag 15 april 2011

Roligt låttest

Jag fuskade inte!
Tog mig dessutom tiden att länka alla låtarna jag kunde hitta på youtube så ni kan lyssna på de ni är intresserade av. Jag märker att jag har väldigt skum musiksmak, men det gör inget :)

1. put your music player on shuffle.
2. press forward for each question.
3. use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!

1. how are you feeling today?
lika barn avvika bäst

2. will you get far in life?
no rest in Leavenworth (en låt med Verse, fanns ingen youtubelänk)

3. how do your friends see you?
kupade händer

4. will you get married?

5. what is your life's theme song?
be honest with me

6. what is the story of your life?
håll ut (klockren! tack peps)

7. what was high school like?
because of the shame

8. how can you get ahead in life?
the flower duet

9. what is tomorrow going to be like?
slow down

10. what is the best thing about your friends?
sadie mercedes (passar bra om man läser låttexten med the Lovegods)

11. what is in store for the next weekend?
the power

12. what song best describes you?
one more sad song

13. how is your life going?
dismiss the cynic

14. what song will play at your funeral?
mental istid (haha!)

15. how does the world see you?
super freak

16. will you have a happy life?
I got mine

17. what do your friends really think of you?
work song

18. what song describes the person you're attracted to?

19. what message would you like to tell the next generation?
cupid's chokehold

20. do you have a deep dark secret?

21. do people secretly lust after you?
bamboo bones

22. how can you make yourself happy?

23. will you ever have children?
I want your girlfriend to be my girlfriend too

24. what's some good advice for you?
baby what do you want me to do

25. how will you be remembered?
Anna is a stool pigeon (klockren text, påminner om mina)

26. what is your signature dance song?
becoming unwritten

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